The Harvest Shadowlands: How to Obtain The Harvest Key

The Harvest in Shadowlands is one of the treasures that can be found at the Abandoned Purlieu in Revendreth. Opening the treasure requires the Harvest Key. They key was under Grumbles' responsibility. He hid it in a certain area and left the Note What Says Where You Put The Key to remind himself where he hid it. The location changes based on the note's text.
The Harvest Shadowlands: How to Obtain The Harvest Key
The Harvest Key is a level 1 item that binds when picked up. It grants access to a private estate in the Chalice District any treasure within. One of the possible locations is next to a lamp post located in front of the steps leading to the Castle Nathria raid entrance. The note for that location is "Hid the key today by one of those big lamps, you did. Not the little ones, 'er's too many of 'em, wouldn't never find it again. It's a good thing you're writin' yourself these notes, it is."
Players may find different texts such as:
- Got a good idea for the key today, I did. What with all the flyin' these lots do, who's lookin' down, I says? No one, that's who. Afraid of gettin' their clothes wet, too, I bet, what with all the finery.
An' that's when it came to me.
No one's minding all these stocks and stores, no one except ol' Grumbles I bet. So's you just gotta go hide the key in another storehouse, you do.
No one's gonna read this note, it's to me, from me, and that'd be rude, it would.
- These venthyr keep on fillin' their little stone huts with all manner of junk, they do. No better spot to hide a key than right next to all this other stuff they don't never move again and it gets all dusty and then you gotta dust it off.
- Put the key by some of those candles that never seem to run out. Not sure who's changin' 'em, no one ever asks me to. Might be that last storehouse fire had somethin' to do with it.
Other text may say "Hid this one by the big man himself" and players may find the key under the Royal Arcanist statue in the middle of area. Some may find the key under the statue to the southeast of the entrance to Castle Nathria or the statue due west of the Castle Nathria raid entrance. For the text that mentions storehouse, the key may be found in the storage area directly across the lower courtyard from the chest location. Once located, the player needs to come back to the chest to open the treasure and will obtain Crown of Decadent Desires.