Timthetatman Ranks Battle Royales: How Did Apex Legends Rank?

Veteran Twitch streamer Timthetatman finally gave fans his take on a tier list of all battle royale games. Timthetatman has a lot of authority on a subject like this, he has streamed just about every FPS game under the sun, well before the battle royale genre was even an idea.
Timthetatman Ranks Battle Royales: How Did Apex Legends Rank?
Right off the bat, Tim expresses a lot of the reasons he will not place Apex Legends S tier next to H1Z1. H1Z1 was some of the peak content on Twitch in terms of battle royale, and was truly the first of its kind to really make a splash on Twitch and the general player base on Steam.
Tim's biggest gripe with Apex Legends is its long time to kill, a point of contention that is often brought up when discussing flaws with Apex and its gunplay.
Tim brings up that if he fights a player and goes through all the effort and ammo to pop your gold shield, he finds it unfair that one can just pickup a purple (or any other shield) off the ground for free and their shields are refilled. This is a great point as fighting is balanced through the tempo loss it takes to heal yourself, picking up a shield in the thick of things, while somewhat skillful, ruins it for Tim.
Just as time to kill is often brought up as one of Apex's weakest points, most agree that the movement is the cream of the crop. Timthetatman describes the movement in Apex Legends as "top tier," and many are quick to agree with him in chat.
Tim even recognizes the beauty of no fall damage in Apex, and is a big fan of that, of course.
What truly cements Apex in the A tier spot for Tim is the way in which Apex Legends has revolutionized the battle royale genre with its quality of life gameplay additions. The respawn system and ping system can be attributed to Apex, being the first battle royale to add these two things. Fortnite would then see how dynamic respawns can make a game, shortly adding it to their game after the initial success and positive reception of Apex Legends.
It was super cool to here Tim's thoughts on Apex, and although he describes himself as "not the biggest fan of Apex," Tim still recognizes many of the features that makes Apex a great game.