Uber, FBI After Potential GTA 6 Leaker

Rideshare company Uber says it is in contact with the FBI and the Department of Justice in its attempts to track down the culprit behind a recent security breach, and the hacker in question may be the same one responsible for this weekend's Grand Theft Auto 6 leak.
More than an hour of footage showing Grand Theft Auto 6 in an early stage of development made its way online Sunday, published by an anonymous poster on the GTA Forums website. The poster claimed they'd obtained the footage through an internal Rockstar Slack channel, and that they were also the hacker behind the Uber breach last week. That hack also saw the leaked information extracted from Slack.
Uber has released a statement regarding their recent breach. They state they believe the breach to be conducted by LAPSU$ extortion group (or someone affiliated with the group).
— vx-underground (@vxunderground) September 19, 2022
Uber official press release: https://t.co/D4f0eTzWgu
The hacker's identity has yet to be confirmed, but Uber has acknowledged the possibility that the same individual could be responsible for both breaches. The company believes the hacking group Lapsus$, which has been accused in several high profile cases over the last year, is behind its own breach at least.
"This group typically uses similar techniques to target technology companies, and in 2022 alone has breached Microsoft, Cisco, Samsung, Nvidia and Okta, among others," reads a statement from the company. "There are also reports over the weekend that this same actor breached video game maker Rockstar Games. We are in close coordination with the FBI and US Department of Justice on this matter and will continue to support their efforts."
Lapsus$ is thought to have been behind hacks at Nvidia, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Samsung and Vodaphone over the past year. Police arrested an English 16-year-old boy in March on the suspicion he might be one of the group's leaders. He's alleged to have made $14 million through his cyber crimes.
Rockstar Games confirmed the legitimacy of the leaks Monday, but said they would not affect development on GTA 6.