Valorant Patch 1.06: 5 Changes We Want to See

Valorant Patch 1.06 expects to hit live servers next week.
Valorant Patch 1.06 expects to hit live servers next week. / Image via Riot Games

Valorant Patch 1.06 should include some improvements to the quality of Valorant gameplay. While the game is new, Riot Games has done a good job stabilizing the meta so the game feels fairly balanced. Let's take a look at what changes could make the game even better in the upcoming patch.

Valorant Patch 1.06: 5 Changes We Want to See

Fix Crashing Issues

There have been several reports of players experiencing the game freezing or crashing during matches. This is somewhat expected with a newer client, but it is imperative that Riot fixes these issues as it's incredibly frustrating to play a game that constantly crashes. Riot has a fairly good track record with these types of issues, so it's likely the developers will get it right in the next patch.

Buff Viper

While Viper has received several recent buffs, she remains largely absent from professional play and has a low play rate among casuals, too. The last round of buffs did help her see a little more play, but she still feels underutilized. While she is one of the tougher agents to master, time should also help her see more play as players master her abilities.

Buff the Stinger

It's no secret that the Stinger is the weakest gun in Valorant. The game is at its best when every gun and agent has its niche use in the game. The Stinger is so weak, however, that it's almost always better to save for a round than shell out the $1,000 price tag. Riot should look to make the gun more niche by rethinking the way the gun works.

More Affordable Cosmetics

Riot is no stranger to microtransactions. They have a long history of including cosmetic items in League of Legends and made waves in the community when the released a $25 Lux skin. A bundle of weapon camos being $95, however, is ridiculous. Riot should not charge nearly $100 for digital cosmetic items and should include more affordable cosmetic items for people who are not able to frivolously spend money on microtransactions.

Another Sage Nerf

Sage's play rate is still incredibly high after a set of nerfs. She feels like she is a "must pick," which is not healthy for any game. Her kit is overloaded with the ability to keep her teammates alive and bring them back to life. While she should be taken down a notch, Riot needs to find a balanced place in which she can be a strong pick, but not a mandatory one.