Warzone New Perspectives Intel: How to Complete All Missions

Call of Duty: Warzone has released a new week’s worth of intel missions that requires players to travel to five different locations.
Call of Duty: Warzone has released a new week’s worth of intel missions that requires players to travel to five different locations. / Photo courtesy of Activision

Warzone New Perspectives Intel is a new set of challenges available to all players.

Call of Duty: Warzone received a new week’s worth of intel missions that requires players to travel to five different locations.

Intel missions were introduced in Warzone to not only give players big experience point boosts but also the chance to learn about the world. By completing each week’s mission, players start to learn about Verdansk. 

Warzone New Perspectives Intel: How to Complete All Missions

Warzone New Perspectives Intel missions can be completed on either Plunder or the Battle Royale. Players will be travelling to five different locations and will need to find a piece of intel that may come in different forms of sources.

1. Military Base

The intel is in the form of a coin which can be found at the firing range located in the military base. On the right side of the range, the coin should be on the wall at the right corner of the firing range.

2. Military Base

The second intel source is in the form of a paper and can be found in the air force base, at the top of the air traffic control tower.

3. Airport

The third intel will be a folder on a table, and is found on the right side of this area, where generators are on the side of the building.

4. Boneyard Hanger

In the form of a laptop, the intel source will be in the biggest hanger in this area and will be on top of a green crate.

5. City Hall (Downtown)

In the center of Downtown is City Hall, and players will need to find a PC with two monitors inside. The building should have a blue security sign.

6. Missions Tab

Players will just have to go into the Missions Tab and go into Intel tick off the checkbox. By checking off the completion, players will learn more about Ghost alongside some big experience points being received. 

More is to be revealed about Ghost and the background of Verdansk as players will be learning about it with new intel missions to come in the future.