Where There is Light, There is Shadow Pokemon GO: What Does it Mean?

Where There is Light, there is Shadow Pokemon GO Team Rocket Grunt battle phrase
Where There is Light, there is Shadow Pokemon GO Team Rocket Grunt battle phrase / Niantic Labs

Where there is light, there is shadow is a phrase said by some Team GO Rocket Grunts before battle.

When Niantic Labs implemented Team GO Rocket into Pokemon GO, they knew they had to keep some of the hokey comedy that comes with the organization in the game. Team Rocket always seems to have a hard time keeping their grunts together. So, what better way to keep players entertained than having each grunt call out exactly what team composition they're about to use?

Where There is Light, There is Shadow Pokemon GO

This phrase means the grunt will be focusing in on Dark-type Pokemon. As usual, the grunt will have several team composition combinations available to them.

The first Pokemon this grunt will use will be Stunky. The second Pokemon this grunt will use can be Stunky, Sableye, or Stunktank. The third Pokemon can be Shiftry or Stunktank.

Your Shadow Pokemon reward after the battle will be a Shadow Stunky of your very own.

Some of the best counter types for this encounter are fighting, fairy, and other dark-types. For example, Darkrai, Togekiss, and Machamp would be great choices here. Trainers will likely find success with any of the types mentioned before, however.