5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 12.1

Pulsefire Shen Skin
Pulsefire Shen Skin / Photo courtesy of Riot Games

Players are likely asking, "who are the five best top laners in League of Legends Patch 12.1?"

League of Legends Season 12 started on Jan. 7, 2022, and players have been playing ranked nonstop. Along with Season 12 came the 12.1 patch update which introduced new items, objectives, runes and balances to the game.

Top laners are known as the sustainable and tanky champions of the game. Top laners are typically attack damage and/or true damage dealers. However, there was a time in League of Legends where AP champions in top lane were the meta. For example, Sona was one of the strongest champions in top lane for a while.

Since then, the game has shifted back to bruiser or tank champions as they typically have more sustainability and can gap close, which is the best way to counter an AP champion. With that being said, here is why these five champions are the best top laners in League of Legends right now.

5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 12.1

1. Shen

Photo courtesy of Riot Games

Shen has been a popular pick in top lane this season. Shen can be an extremely tanky champion while also dealing a good amount of damage. Shen's abilities can taunt, shield and deal damage giving him a wide variety of skills. With the right build, Shen can dive into a team fight, shield ally teammates, CC enemy champions and walk away with high health.

2. Tahm Kench

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Tahm Kench had received some work throughout 2021 and has made him a strong and easier champion to play with. Tahm Kench has always been an incredible top laner but was one of the more higher skilled champions. Tahm Kench is a great top laner as he is tanky, deals damage and can CC enemy champions during team fights.

3. Nasus

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Nasus has also been a strong top laner for the past few seasons of League of Legends. If Nasus can stack minions, champions and jungle monsters, he can win the game for the team. Nasus is a fighter who is tanky, sustainable and can deal a lot of damage to an enemy. AP and AD Nasus are both popular builds for this champion.

4. Urgot

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Urgot is fighter champion and has an impressive win rate. Urgot can be extremely tanky, yet can dish out a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Urgot's shooter abilities allows him to target enemies and structures to quickly take them down. For players who have experienced Urgot's ultimate ability, they know that once Urgot presses R, it's almost impossible to escape death.

5. Dr. Mundo

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Dr. Mundo had been given a rework this year that has certainly been for the better. Mundo's abilities were starting to become a bit repetitive, as players were beginning to get bored of throwing a bonesaw and walking away. Mundo now can deal large damage and can become unbelievably tanky. Also a fighter, Mundo can become useful in team fights, dealing and taking damage for his team.