5 Champions That Need a Buff in League of Legends Preseason 2021

5 champions that need a buff in League of Legends Preseason 2021
5 champions that need a buff in League of Legends Preseason 2021 / Courtesy of Riot Games

Five champions that need a buff in League of Legends Preseason 2021 are those impacted by the champion balance adjustment. League communities have been learning and adjusting the game based on the patch that rolled out on Nov. 11. Some champions benefit greatly from the item changes, while some others became powerless.

5 Champions That Need a Buff in League of Legends Preseason 2021

1. Ryze

Ryze / Courtesy of Riot Games

Once constantly featured in pick and ban list, after series of nerfs Ryze has a win-rate of 44-45% in top and mid lane and is considered as C-tier mid laner. The Rune Mage's kit syncs well with Luden's Tempest, Riftmaker, or Liandry's Anguish. His lack of range, mana, and damage early game hurt him that causes his win rate to drop.

2. Tryndamere

Tryndamere / Courtesy of Riot Games

Tryndamere is no longer as scary as he used to be. Logging a win-rate of 44.82%, he is currently considered as C-tier top laner. As a duelist, he prefers skirmishes rather than team fights. His build is ranging from Kraken Slayer (against tanks), Immortal Shieldbow (sustain), or even Navori Quickblades. Even so, if the enemy top laner is a tank, he has trouble finishing them off.

3. Karma

Karma / Courtesy of Riot Games

With a low Pick Ban Influence (PBI) rate of -12, Karma is not strong in the meta right now. She is also less featured in picks and bans. The current meta favors hard engage (Leona, Pantheon) and counter-engage (Lulu, Janna) champions which does not fit well with Karma's kit. She is vulnerable to getting one-shot and being locked down by aggressive supports.

4. Corki

Corki / Courtesy of Riot Games

Corki has seen very low pick and ban rates this patch. His low win rate of 47.66% does not help him either. Some analytic sites do not list his statistics because of not enough game sample size. He is not particularly strong early game because of his need to stack Muramana, but he gets out-scaled by other marksmen in late game. This makes him more of a utility, rather than DPS champion.

5. Kassadin

Kassadin / Courtesy of Riot Games

Kassadin has long been known as a monster in the late game. It is almost impossible to either run from him or chase him. If he is up against assassins, who are pretty strong with the current patch, and is significantly behind, it is hard for him to reach late game. His Pick Ban Influence (PBI) in high elo is very low (-7).