5 Champions That Need a Nerf in League of Legends Preseason 2021

5 champions that need a nerf in League of Legends Preseason 2021
5 champions that need a nerf in League of Legends Preseason 2021 / Courtesy of Riot Games

Five champions that need a nerf in League of Legends Preseason 2021 are those impacted by either the new items and runes or champion balance adjustment. The community has been learning and adjusting based on the patch that rolled out on Nov. 11. As a result, some champions have significantly high win-rate and clearly benefit greatly from the item changes.

5 Champions That Need a Nerf in League of Legends Preseason 2021

1. Amumu

Amumu / Courtesy of Riot Games

Currently the only champion with a whopping win-rate of 60.08% with a high ban rate of 32.77%, Amumu sees no reason why he won't be picked by summoners. The famously overpowered tank item Sunfire Aegis which grants AOE magic damage, along with stacked immolate damage is proved to be perfect build for Amumu. Thanks to his kit, passive Cursed Touch and Tantrum, he is more than just chunky frontline for your team. He has wide CC, soaks up damage, and deals AOE damage himself.

2. Kha'Zix

Kha'Zix / Courtesy of Riot Games

Still sitting with a win-rate of 53.47% in high elo, Kha'Zix is an S-tier jungler with the highest ban rate of 36.04%. Duskblade of Draktharr works very well with his kit, particularly Void Assault. Nightstalker grants him invisibility for 1.5 seconds on top of his kit. Stacking two or three lethality items, Kha'Zix will have no problem eliminating squishy targets without them ever see him coming.

3. Zed

Zed / Courtesy of Riot Games

Zed has the highest ban rate in the mid lane (39.75%) in high elo. Even before the new items were introduced, Zed has been comfortably sitting on top of best mid lane champions for quite awhile. If he manages to complete his Mythic item, commonly Duskblade of Draktharr, quicker than his opponent, he can snowball the game hard. AD carry and other squishy champions may not even stand a chance against him.

4. Samira

Samira / Courtesy of Riot Games

With a whopping ban rate of 68.24%, Samira is currently the most feared marksman in the bot lane. With a win rate of 53.45% in high elo, she can dominate her lane both early and late game. Despite being a squishy champion, her mobility and aggressiveness could benefit well from Immortal Shieldbow. Paired with Bloodthirster, she can heal a great deal when she attacks her enemies. Her Blade Whirl eliminates any projectiles CC targeted towards her and her nearby allies.

5. Brand

Brand / Courtesy of Riot Games

Brand might not be the most banned champion in the game right now, but if played correctly, it is not surprising to see him as one with most damage. Brand's reworked kits, along with the new Liandry's Anguish make him an extreme threat to squishy targets and tanks alike. Now that Liandry's Anguish chips away enemy's magic resist up to 25%, Brand only needs to find good positioning to target his ultimate at the nearest opponent in team fight and wait for it to bounce around.