5 Things We Don't Want in League of Legends Patch 10.22

5 Things We Don't Want in League of Legends Patch 10.22
5 Things We Don't Want in League of Legends Patch 10.22 / Courtesy of Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 10.22 will include final new champion this year, balance changes, runes and items changes, along with new champion skins.

Here are five things we prefer not to see in the fourth-to-last patch of 2020.

5 Things We Don't Want in League of Legends Patch 10.22

1. Caitlyn Nerfed

Caitlyn Nerfed
Caitlyn Nerfed / Courtesy of Riot Games

AD Carry players have not been the happiest people for quite some time. The last buff on both the role and champions gave them a glimmer of hope. As a result, crit-based champions such as Caitlyn have been constantly in the pick/ban pool in pro play and top-tier tournaments, including Worlds. The upcoming patch will see Caitlyn's crit chance and Headshot (passive) nerfed to granting 25% less bonus damage to headshots.

2. Jhin's Crit Takes the Nerf Bullet

Jhin's Crit Takes The Nerf Bullet
Jhin's Crit Takes The Nerf Bullet / Courtesy of Riot Games

Another ADC champion that will take a huge hit is Jhin. A constant pick in pro plays, including Worlds, Jhin's crit damage has been nerfed to 14% from 25% for 150% damage crits. Additionally, his crit chance bonus AD is also being decreased to 3% AD per 10% crit from 4%.

3. Critical Strike Buffs for the Ionian Brothers

Critical Strike Buffs for The Ionian Brothers
Critical Strike Buffs for The Ionian Brothers / Courtesy of Riot Games

Both Yasuo's passive (Way of the Wanderer) and Yone's passive (Way of the Hunter) critical strike chance above 100% will now convert into bonus attack damage. The ratio is current 0.5 bonus attack damage for every 1% crit over 100% crit chance. Not everyone will be happy to see the buff on the already-overpowered duo.

4. Utility Marksman, Senna, Cannot Dodge the Nerf

Utility Marksman, Senna, Cannot Dodge The Nerf
Utility Marksman, Senna, Cannot Dodge The Nerf / Courtesy of Riot Games

Riot Games didn't stop with nerfing Caitlyn and Jhin, Senna is the next marksman to receive crit damage and crit chance changes. Already seen more as an AD support, Senna's crit damage is decreased to 14% from 35%. Per 20 souls crit chance is also being decreased to 10% from 15%.

5. Seraphine = Sona's Twin Sister?

Seraphine = Sona's Twin Sister?
Seraphine = Sona's Twin Sister? / Courtesy of Riot Games

Seraphine is both a reason for fans to be excited and a possible disappointment. This is because of her abilities being noticeably similar to another support mage, Sona. Her ultimate, Encore (R), resembles Sona's Crescendo (R). She is arguably the embodiment of DJ Sona with her musical theme. Her Surround Sound (W) ability reminds fans of Sona's Song of Celerity (E) as both grant nearby allies bonus movement speed. Her ability to heal and shield covers Sona's other main abilities.