Apex Legends Vantage Leaked Abilities and Release Date

It's no secret about the new legend for Season 14 of Apex Legends. As confirmed on Monday by Respawn Entertainment, the new legend is Vantage. Additionally, the theme of Season 14 will be, Hunted.
Vantage, or Mara, comes from the planet Págos where the only inhabitants were her and her mother. Her mother was a wrongfully convicted criminal traveling aboard the G.D.S. Vantage Prisoner Ship.
After the ship crashed, Mara's mother gave birth to Mara. Mara would learn to be the ultimate survivalist becoming extremely effective with her scoped weapon.
Apex Legends Vantage Leaked Abilities and Release Date
The only rule Mara's mother ever gave her was to survive. In the ruins of the G.D.S. Vantage, that's a hard rule to follow. pic.twitter.com/g26snUODJo
— Apex Legends (@PlayApex) July 25, 2022
Release Date
Vantage is going to be the newest legend in Apex Legends when she is released. Of course, this will take place when the new season begins. On Aug. 9, Season 14: Hunted will officially begin.
With the start of the new season, we will see the addition of the new legend, Vantage. Additionally, we will see different weapons in the crafting rotation and new weapon and legend skins. With the new season, there is always the possibility of a new map, but more realistically, just some new POIs.
Vantage's Abilities
For the time being, we officially do not know what Vantage's abilities are going to be. But the abilities may have been leaked, so let's take a look at them.
Passive- Sniper Kit
When Vantage aims down sight with any long-range scope, she will be able to receive information about enemies in her sights. That information is, what legend the enemy is using, the rarity of the body shield they're using, the size of the enemy squad and the enemies' distance away.
This passive is perfect for scouting out an enemy before going in to fight them. Vantage will also be a part of the recon class. Meaning she will be able to scan beacons just like Pathfinder, Valkyrie, Bloodhound, Crypto and Seer.
Tactical- Echo Launch
Vantage comes with a small little bat-like friend, Echo. For her tactical, Vantage sends Echo out, similarly to Crypto's Drone. It is unknown whether Echo will be able to relay information back to Vantage.
The real tactical ability comes after Echo has been sent out. Vantage can hold her tactical button and launch herself towards Echo's location.
Ultimate- Marked to Kill
Vantage uses her own custom Sniper Rifle to mark enemies. In the Stories from the Outlands, Vantage carries this sniper around everywhere and becomes incredibly accurate with it.
After hitting an enemy with her sniper, the enemy will be seen by Vantage's teammates, just like any other scan would work. Vantage and her teammates will receive a 15% damage boost on marked enemies. Additionally, while the sniper only does a base of 20 damage, the damage will double on each consecutive shot hit by the sniper.