5 Best AD Carries in League of Legends Patch 10.16

Who will be the best AD Carry champs in League of Legends Patch 10.16.
Who will be the best AD Carry champs in League of Legends Patch 10.16. / Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

The best AD Carries in League of Legends Patch 10.16 comes amid buffs to some AD Carry champs. As such, here are the five best ADC champions in League of Legends Patch 10.16.

5 Best AD Carries in League of Legends Patch 10.16

1. Ashe

Ashe continues to be the best ADC in League of Legends due to her wide-ranging kit. Her crowd control, damage, and vision capabilities make her a great in team fights. She is also flexible, a trait that a lot of champs do not possess. Despite a buff to her Q abilities attack speed, expect Ashe to remain a powerful ADC.

2. Caitlyn

Caitlyn received decent buffs in League of Legends Patch 10.15 making the marksman an excellent pick in the bot lane. Her abilities mesh well together, getting stuck in one of her traps, and being hit by her ultimate ability spells big damage and possibly death.

3. Draven

Draven, a champ made popular by streamer Tyler1, is still one of the best ADC champs out there. Draven's mainfocus is damage, and a lot of it. Once Draven gets the B.F. Sword, his early game damage is punishing. Despite being one of the harder champs to play, Draven can be extremely rewarding.

4. Ezreal

Similar to the picks above, Ezreal has always been a solid ADC. His kit is centered around damage and angles. Flashing in and out of situations and landing hits that do massive burst damage is Ezreal's trademark. He is also fairly simple to play so Ezreal is a good champ to pick up for any skill level.

5. Jhin

League of Legends players know that Jhin's ultimate ability can be a pain. Just when you thought you escaped, getting hit by a Jhin ult will send your right back to base. Jhin is similar to Caitlyn as he also can lay traps that are punishing to those who walk into it.