Genshin Impact Realm Bounty: How to Get
By Jacquelyn Li

Realm Bounty in Genshin Impact is a way to earn Companionship EXP through the Serenitea Pot housing system. It's a great way to improve your bond with your characters while enjoying their company at home.
To unlock Realm Bounty, you must first have access to the Serenitea Pot, and have unlocked the Realm Dispatch, which allows you to invite characters to stay in your teapot.
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Genshin Impact Realm Bounty: How to Get
To collect your Realm Bounty, invite some characters you'd like to get closer with into your Serenitea Pot. Then, you'll start passively generating Companionship EXP based on the Adeptal Energy level of your teapot over time.
Here's a list of how much EXP you'll get for each Adeptal Energy level:
- Bare Bones - 2/hr
- Humble Abode - 2/hr
- Cozy - 3/hr
- Queen-Size - 3/hr
- Elegant - 4/hr
- Exquisite - 4/hr
- Extraordinary - 4/hr
- Stately - 5/hr
- Luxury - 5/hr
- Fit for a King - 5/hr
Companionship EXP you earn will be stored in your Realm Bounty, which you can access by speaking to Tubby and choosing "Trust Rank."
Next to the list of companions hosted, you'll see a treasure chest icon. Click on it to claim your Realm Bounty, which will automatically raise the Companionship EXP of all characters in your Serenitea Pot. The maximum amount of EXP you can store varies by your Trust Rank, from 50 at Level 1 to 500 at Level 10.
Realm Bounty is a great way to increase your characters' Friendship Levels, so you can unlock their voice lines and namecards. The best way to do so is to raise your Trust Rank, because you'll be able to invite more characters to your realm and increase your bond with all of them at once.
For more tips about the housing system in Genshin Impact, check our guides on how to furnish and build a house, and the teapot traveling salesman.