How to Get More FPS in Apex Legends

Players need to know how to get more FPS in Apex Legends in order to make the game feel as responsive as possible.
A high FPS is crucial to a players performance in competitive games like Apex Legends. In general, a higher frame rate will make a game run smoother and reduce input lag. This is important in Apex Legends where a single split second decision can make or break a game.
Meet Ash, the simulacrum assassin and overseer of the Arenas who’s ready to cut through the competition and put them in their place ⚔️
— Apex Legends (@PlayApex) October 28, 2021
How to Get More FPS in Apex Legends
These are the video settings that are likely to have the largest impact on a player's FPS in Apex Legends.
- Display Mode: Full Screen
- Aspect Ratio: match your monitor's native resolution (likely 16:9).
- Resolution: matching you monitor's native resolution would be preferred, but slower PCs may need to drop the resolution.
- Field of View: A wider field of view will allow you to see more of a scene, but will also force your GPU to render more textures which could result in a lower FPS.
- V-Sync: Disable V-Sync to uncap your framerate limit.
- Texture Streaming Budget: Lowering the texture streaming budget can sharply lower the game's resolution, but would likely increase the framerate.
- Texture Filtering: Texture filtering affects the sharpness of small details in textures. Lowering this can raise the in-game framerate.
- Ambient Occlusion Quality: Calculating how light scatters across a scene is very strenuous on a GPU. Lowering the quality of shadows and light details can have a major impact on a game's framerate.
- Model Detail: The less detail a GPU has to render for player models the quicker it can display it on screen.
- Effects Details: This setting determines the detail displayed for explosions and legend abilities. Lowering this will likely have a large impact on the game's framerate.
There is also the option to remove the in-game FPS cap via startup commands through both Steam and Origin. Here is the general process for removing Apex's framerate cap in both marketplaces.
- Navigate to your Game Library
- Find Apex Legends and right click it
- Select game properties
- In the field for additional launch options type +fps_maxunlimited