League of Legends Patch 10.16 Support Tier List

League of Legends Patch 10.16 Support Tier List
League of Legends Patch 10.16 Support Tier List / Image via Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 10.16 support tier list examines which support picks are the most useful for you to climb. Support has had some great picks over the last few patches that remain viable champions in the current meta. While the support meta hasn't changed too much since Patch 10.15, let's take a look at which champions remain king in Patch 10.16.

League of Legends Patch 10.16 Support Tier List

S Tier-Bard, Lulu, Blitzcrank, Senna

Spotlight: Bard

Bard is currently the best support in the game for his unique blend of mobility, sustain, and damage. Bard's Magical Journey (E) allows him to roam around the map easily and impact other lanes. It is also his main mechanism for collecting chimes, which improves his damage in-lane. Once Bard has collected enough, he deals high damage and can stun enemies if they don't space out. Bard is a great pick in the current meta and projects to be top tier support in Patch 10.16.

A Tier-Leona, Morgana, Thresh, Sona, Soraka, Nautilus, Taric, Maokai

Spotlight: Morgana

The current ADC meta favors Morgana heavily because of her ability to negate crowd control with Black Shield (E). This gives her favorable matchups against Ashe, Caitlyn, and Senna, who are all top tier ADCs. Additionally, she can negate the power of hard engage supports like Blitzcrank or Thresh who also see a lot of play. Morgana's crowd control is what she is typically known for, but her defensive utility is what places her on this list.

B Tier-Karma, Zilean, Lux, Yuumi, Pyke, Shaco, Swain

Spotlight: Swain

After a long hiatus from the ranked meta, Swain is once again viable. He brings a nice mix of damage, utility, and tankiness to the bot lane and matches up well against short-ranged ADCs like Vayne. He shuts down engages from dive champions like Leona with his ultimate while also providing tons of vision with Vision of Empire (W). Swain is far from a champion that you can spam in solo queue, but he is definitely viable as a pocket pick in Patch 10.16.