Modern Warfare 2 Open Beta Killstreaks: Full List

Now that the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II Open Beta has finally arrived, it is perhaps no surprise that many are wondering what the testing period's available Killstreaks are.
Returning once more in the latest COD are Killstreaks, game-changing rewards that incentivize players to rack up kills or objective score in matches. Players can lock in a maximum of three Killstreaks can be before a match, and up to four can be held in a Multiplayer match.
Here is the full list of Killstreaks in the Modern Warfare 2 Open Beta.
LET'S GOOO! 🔥#MWII Beta Early Access is LIVE NOW for everyone who pre-ordered on PlayStation.
— Call of Duty (@CallofDuty) September 16, 2022
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Modern Warfare 2 Open Beta Killstreaks: Full List
All 19 of MW2's upcoming Killstreaks are available for players to try out during the Open Beta:
- UAV (4 Kills/500 Score): UAV recon ship that reveals enemy locations on the minimap.
- Bomb Drone (4 Kills/500 Score): A remote-controlled drone with an attached C4 charge.
- Counter UAV (5 Kills/625 Score): A drone that scrambles all enemy minimaps. Has a limited range for larger maps.
- Cluster Mine (5 Kills/625 Score): Throw a device that launches a cluster of smaller mines within the immediate area.
- Care Package (5 Kills/625 Score): Call in a random killstreak care package to your location.
- Precision Airstrike (6 Kills/750 Score): Call in twin jets for a precision strike along the best available path.
- Cruise Missile (6 Kills/750 Score): Control a long-range cruise missile with boost capabilities.
- Mortar Strike (6 Kills/750 Score): Signal several waves of mortars to attack a location.
- Sentry Gun (7 Kills/875 Score): Automated turret that scans for nearby enemies, and fires incendiary-based rounds.
- S.A.E. (7 Kills/875 Score): Call in a trio of jets to release aerial explosives onto specified targets.
- VTOL Jet (8 Kills/1,000 Score): Releases a pair of precision bombs before circling back and guarding a location of the player's choice.
- Overwatch Helo (8 Kills/1,000 Score): An escort helo that will watch over your position, and ping nearby enemy locations before engaging them.
- Wheelson-HS (8 Kills/1,000 Score): Remote-controlled amphibious vehicle, with auto-sentry capabilities.
- Stealth Bomber (10 Kills/1,250 Score): Call in a bomber that releases a large line of explosives along its path.
- Chopper Gunner (10 Kills/1,250 Score): Control an assault chopper armed with a turret an air-to-land missiles.
- Emergency Airdrop (10 Kills/1,250 Score): Call in three random Killstreak care packages to your location.
- Gunship (12 Kills/1,500 Score): A heavy assault gunship equipped with a laser-tracking missile, along with the standard 40mm and 25mm cannons.
- Advanced UAV (12 Kills/1,500 Score): An untargetable orbital UAV that reveals the enemy's direction on the minimap in real time.
- Juggernaut (15 Kills/1,875 Score): Juggernaut assault gear delivered by care package. The minigun will drop when the Juggernaut dies.
As shown above, MW2 will allow players to freely toggle whether or not they want to earn Killstreaks or Scorestreaks. This, of course, is dependent on how much players intend to play the objective in modes, as opposed to simply hunting kills.
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Additionally, feel free to check out our timeline on the history of the Call of Duty franchise!