Pantheon Rework Goes Live in League of Legends Patch 9.16
By Max Mallow

The Pantheon rework goes live Wednesday in League of Legends Patch 9.16 as The Unbreakable Spear has new life breathed into him.
League of Legends Patch 9.16 brings about new abilities, themes, lore and art for Pantheon. One of the oldest champions in the game, fans can't wait to get their hands on the reworked champion.
Here's everything you need to know about Pantheon's rework in League of Legends Patch 9.16.
Les buffs, les nerfs et les nouveaux skins ! Que réserve ce patch 9.16 ? ?
— League of Legends FR (@LoL_France) August 13, 2019
Pantheon Rework Goes Live in League of Legends Patch 9.16
Here's a full list of Pantheon's new abilities:
Mortal Will (Passive)
- After 5 spells or attacks, Pantheon's next basic spell is empowered
Comet Spear (Q)
- Tap: Pantheon thrusts his spear dealing damage + 100% bonus AD phyiscal damage to enemies hit. Refunds a percentage of Comet Spear's cooldown
- Hold: Pantheon hurls his spear dealing damage + 100% bonus AD to the first enemy hit and 50% less to further targets. Deals damage + 200$ bonus AD to targets below 25% health
- Mortal Will bonus: Pantheon's next attack strikes three times, dealing a toal of 135% physical damage
Shield Vault (W)
- Pantheon dashes to an enemy, dealing damage + 100% AP physical damage and stunning them for one second
- Mortal Will bonus: Pantheon's next attack strikes three times, dealing a total of 135% physical damage
Aegis Assault (E)
- Pantheon braces his shield and engages enemies in a chosen direction for 1.5 seconds, becoming immune to damage from that direction and dealing 100% AD physical damage over the duration. The last hit slams Pantheon's shield, dealing damage + 150% bonus AD physical damage. Pantheon can recast to end early, and is slowed by up to 55% while moving backwards or sideways. Damage to minions is reduced by 50% and damage to non-Epic monsters is reduced by 33%
- Mortal Will bonus: Duration is increased to 2.5 seconds (dealing 167% AD physical damage over the duration)
Grand Starfall (R)
- Pantheon gathers his strength to leap high into the air, then crashes down as a meteor at the target area a few seconds later. Deals damage + 100% AP magic damage to enemies in a line
- Grand Starfall instantly readies Mortal Will
Here's a full list of Pantheon's new splash art included in his rework.
Photo courtesy of Riot Games