TAQ Evolvere MW3 Warzone Loadout: Best Meta Build in Season 2

Here's the best meta TAQ Evolvere loadout for Warzone Season 2.
Here's the best meta TAQ Evolvere loadout for Warzone Season 2. / Activision

After two buffs in the span of a week, the best meta TAQ Evolvere loadout in Warzone Season 2 turns the LMG into one of the best long-range options on Urzikstan and Fortune's Keep.

Call of Duty: Warzone Season 2 launched with a long list of weapon buffs and nerfs that changed the long-range meta in both Battle Royale and Resurgence. The most notable adjustments saw the RAM-7 Assault Rifle get nerfed and the TAQ Evolvere LMG get buffed. The buff for the LMG was not enough to challenge for a top spot in the long-range meta, though, until the developers delivered another surprise buff in the latest Warzone patch.

TAQ Evolvere Gets Buffed in Feb. 13 Warzone Patch

The TAQ Evolvere was one of the few weapons to get buffed in the Feb. 13 Warzone patch. The developers issued the following changes to the LMG just one week into Season 2:

  • Increased movement speed to 5.1m/s, down from 4.4m/s.
  • Decreased rate of fire to 500rpm, down from 706rpm.
  • Increased target flinch to 0.8n, up from 0.5n.

The TAQ Evolvere 556 Belts Magazine also received the following changes:

  • Increased movement speed benefit by 16%.
  • Added 40% hipfire spread reduction benefit.
  • Increased aim down sight time benefit by 15%.
  • Increased aim down sight movement speed benefit by 17%.
  • Added rate of fire benefit at 857rpm.

TAQ Evolvere MW3 Warzone Loadout: Best Meta Build in Season 2

Here's the best meta TAQ Evolvere Warzone build in Season 2, courtesy of FaZe Booya:

  • Optic: Corio Eagleseye 2.5x
  • Barrel: LRF Righteous Long Barrel
  • Muzzle: VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor L
  • Underbarrel: Kimura RYN-03 Vertical Grip
  • Rear Grip: XRK Response Grip

"This thing absolutely shreds close-range and long-range," the Warzone professional player says as he shows off his meta TAQ Evolvere loadout in his latest YouTube video. Although his build is primarily for Fortune's Keep, it can also be translated into Battle Royale.
