The Best TFT Items in Set 7: Dragonlands

Certain items in TFT Set 7: Dragonlands have consistently been highly successful across patches. Here are just some of the items that have a large impact throughout this set.
Patch 12.14 is coming next week on 7/24, and one of the focus areas is making sure our Legendary Dragons really hit the mark. If you 2-star one of them, it should be worth it! Here's a preview of what you can expect to see changed numbers wise.
— Riot Mort (@Mortdog) July 20, 2022
The Best TFT Items in Set 7: Dragonlands
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Rageblade has been a no-brainer item on so many units this set. Varus, Xayah and even Syffen see massive improvements by slamming it. There are plenty of other units that can take it as well, substituting for Spear of Shojin. Regardless of how many attack speed nerfs many units receive, Rageblade will simply fix those nerfs after just a couple auto attacks.
Frozen Heart
The huge caveat with Frozen Heart making this list is that it has to be played on Assassins. Frontline units don't gain much from slowing their opposition outside of scenarios. Assassins, on the other hand, get to demolish backline carries since they can't attack fast enough to do anything about it.
Mage Emblem
Call this cheating if you'd like, but it's the truth. Mage Emblem works so well with so many units that it can't not be one of the best. Aurelion Sol, Ao Shin and Anivia are just a few units that can gain exceptional mileage from being a Mage. On top of that, Mages like Zoe and Sylas get tremendous benefits from adding more Mages to the team.