Toxic Roadhog Overwatch Anniversary Skin Revealed

Toxic Roadhog Overwatch Anniversary skin revealed during the seasonal event.
Toxic Roadhog Overwatch Anniversary skin revealed during the seasonal event. /

Toxic Roadhog skin is one of the newest legendary skins in the game following the start of the event, which went live Tuesday.

Overwatch Anniversary is the seasonal in-game event surrounding and celebrating the game's birthday. Overwatch skins from past events return to the Hero Gallery shop and even more new skins are added to the game. Toxic Roadhog is one of six new legendary skins. There are also five new epic skins.

Arguably the best part of the event, however, is all of the returning content from previous Overwatch seasonal events. Archives, Summer Games, Winter Wonderland, Halloween Terror and Lunar New Year items return for players who might have missed out on them the last time around.

Toxic Roadhog Overwatch Anniversary Skin Revealed

Here is a full list of the new Overwatch Anniversary skins:



  • Carbon Fiber Doomfist
  • Carbon Fiber Pharah
  • Electric Widowmaker
  • Midnight D.Va
  • Oro Sombra

Overwatch Anniversary is scheduled to run May 21 through June 11. Players can log in to the game now will receive a Legendary Loot Box containing a guaranteed legendary item. Overwatch is also free-to-play from May 21-28.

Photo courtesy of Blizzard