Scorpion Widowmaker Skin Images, Price, Rarity: Overwatch Halloween Terror 2019
By Max Mallow

Scorpion Widowmaker is a new exclusive Overwatch Halloween Terror legendary skin, Blizzard revealed Tuesday.
The seasonal Overwatch Halloween Terror event went live Tuesday bringing about a spooky vibe to the game. A running event since the game's release, Halloween Terror provides a limited time mode and new skins to unbox or purchase.
No more ghouling around!
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) October 15, 2019
Overwatch Halloween Terror begins NOW.
One of the newest legendary skins is Scorpion Widowmaker. Here's everything you need to know.
Scorpion Widowmaker Images
Blizzard released a still image of the new Scorpion Widowmaker skin on the Overwatch Halloween Terror page. It's one of the more simplistic legendary skins this year, but it has certain fighting game character vibe to it that fits Widowmaker.
Scorpion Widowmaker Price
Overwatch players can acquire Scorpion Widowmaker either via loot boxes or the Hero Gallery. If one chooses the latter, the skin will cost 3,000 credits.
Scorpion Widowmaker Rarity
Scorpion Widowmaker is of the legendary rarity. This isn't Widowmaker's first Halloween Terror skin. She received an epic skin last year titled Spider. She joins an exclusive list of having two Halloween Terror event skins.
Other new Overwatch Halloween Terror skins include Pharaoh Ana, Will-O'-Wisp Tracer, Demon Orisa and Warlock Ashe.
Halloween Terror is now live and runs through Nov. 4.
Photos courtesy of Blizzard