NBA 2K23 Fastest Max Badges Method: Current and Next Gen

Looking for the fastest max Badges method in NBA 2K23? We've got you covered.
You have your demigod build, you have Rebirth unlocked and you have thousands of VC on tap. Well, all that's left to do is earn all of your potential Badges. Here's a guide on the fastest method to get all of your MyPlayer Badges in NBA 2K23 MyCareer on Current and Next Gen.
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— NBA 2K (@NBA2K) September 17, 2022
NBA 2K23 Fastest Max Badges Method: Current and Next Gen
Before getting into the methods, there are some things you can do beforehand to ensure you're setup to maximize the amount progress you can make.
The first is if you haven't already done so, you should put yourself on a team that either has great passers and/or great dunkers. Perhaps the easiest recommendation here is the Los Angeles Lakers since they have LeBron James and Anthony Davis.
Secondly, before you hit your initial 85 or 90 OVR cap (depending on if you're in a Rebirth save), you prioritize getting the following stats to a decent level (70s or 80s) if possible: Three-Point Shot, Driving Dunk, Pass Accuracy, Acceleration, Defensive Rebound and Speed.
Lastly, set the Game Difficulty to the highest that is comfortable for you to consistently make shots and the Quarter Length to 12 Minutes. This maximizes the amount of MyPoints and VC you earn per play.
For the Finishing Badges, you'll mostly want to give the ball to your best passer, cut to the paint when it's open and double-tap Triangle/Y to call for a lob pass.
Of course, cherry-picking on fastbreaks and getting any layups and dunks whenever possible is great as well.
For the Shooting Badges, the best method is catching the ball in one of the corners, calling for a screen towards the inner side, and using the pick to take a wing three.
If you have at least a 70 Ball Handle, using the LeBron James Size-Up Escape Package and doing the step-back move by flicking down the Right Stick right inside the 3-point line can also be used to consistently set you up for open threes.
For those who are better off the ball, simply set a high screen for your ball-handler on the side that sends them to as little help as possible, and pop out and call for the ball.
For the Playmaking Badges, this conveniently ties right into the 99 overall method, as the best in-game event to earn both Playmaking Points and MyPoints in NBA 2K23 MyCareer is throwing up successful alley-oops.
All you need to do is spam pick-and-rolls in the half-court setting and initiate alley-oops for your best dunker. If someone's free for a lob in the fastbreak, simply do that as well.
For the Defensive/Rebounding Badges, what you'll want to do is mostly bait out shots from your match-up and close out to contest them. Essentially, whether you're defending on-ball or off, you'll want to sag off them enough to get them to start up a shot, then contest them to make them miss.
If your build can get Steals easily, another tip is calling for a Half Court Trap Defensive Set. This causes your teammates to double the ball, allowing you to play the passing lane for steals.
Of course, for those on Next Gen, be sure to advantage of those team practices, Coach Drills and Chris Brickley drills in-between NBA games as well.
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